
by Paul Jesperson


2.99 usd

E-text reader that plays .txt files at an adjustable tempo.

* Adjust the page turn rate and amount of words viewed* Adjust word spacing, size and position* Built-in dictionary with well over 100,000 words* Choose from 58 different fonts and various color schemes* Automatically saves a bookmark for every text file opened* Automatically opens last opened text file when app is restarted* Opens your favorite .txt files+Improved handling of bracket/brace hiding if theres a mismatch in the number of open brackets/braces to closed brackets/braces+Italic quotes are now handled correctly by the sentence constructor which was noticeable when using multiple lines in a chunk+Installing app now requires enabling permission of the app to access the internet (if available) to allow Unitys hardware stat collection; the app functionality does not require internet access